Friday, February 3, 2012

Motorcyclist pops a wheelie at 70 mph on Crown Valley Speedway

4 p.m. A motorcyclist northbound on Crown Valley Speedway at Clubhouse Drive is weaving between cars, and as he approaches the intersection he cuts between the lanes of cars, excessively speeding, and pops a wheelie and tears off on one wheel while driving on the dotted line with cars on each side of him, and drives for at least 300 yards at more than 70 mph  --- on one wheel! This behavior is exceedingly dangerous. Better enforcement is needed. This kind of extreme driving behavior is not uncommon here (just read the other postings and listen to the racing noise violations!).

1 comment:

  1. Sounds dangerous; I agree that better enforcement is needed in order to keep our streets safe. Not only did he risk his life but that of everyone else on the road too.

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